CSS Hero Animator Plugin

CSS Hero Animator Plugin

The Live WordPress Theme Editor.
No code required.

CSS Hero is the definitive WordPress plugin to easily customize the look of your site, with an easy and intuitive point and click interface.

Take full control over your site’s appearance in real time

Simply mouseover and click the element you want to edit in real time, no coding skills needed. WordPress theme customization made easy.

Color management

Use our color picker to try out color and background changes instantly! The plugin stores your last used colors to help you build your own color palette.

Font Styles and Typography

Add a touch of class with your own fonts, a huge collection of Google Fonts is at your fingertips. TypeKit fonts are supported as well.

Adjust Measures

Easily tune element margins and paddings: just drag a slider to see the changes on the page instantly.

Complex CSS made simple

Spice up your site elements: building gradients, box-shadows, text-shadows and all the modern CSS properties is now a point and click affair.


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Product Details

Version:  0.9.2

Last Update: 12 Feb 2024 

Release Date:  1 May 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

CSS Hero Animator Plugin

The Live WordPress Theme Editor.
No code required.

CSS Hero is the definitive WordPress plugin to easily customize the look of your site, with an easy and intuitive point and click interface.

Take full control over your site’s appearance in real time

Simply mouseover and click the element you want to edit in real time, no coding skills needed. WordPress theme customization made easy.

Color management

Use our color picker to try out color and background changes instantly! The plugin stores your last used colors to help you build your own color palette.

Font Styles and Typography

Add a touch of class with your own fonts, a huge collection of Google Fonts is at your fingertips. TypeKit fonts are supported as well.

Adjust Measures

Easily tune element margins and paddings: just drag a slider to see the changes on the page instantly.

Complex CSS made simple

Spice up your site elements: building gradients, box-shadows, text-shadows and all the modern CSS properties is now a point and click affair.


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